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The excitment over our very own Stonehenge was short lived. Today when climbing around on the roof I found that it was gone. However, we do have crickets on the roof.


Maybe not the crickets you were expecting but these crickets will help the rain to run off the roof for collection in the under-house tanks. There is also sheeting in place on the "chimney wall". The garage roof is also finished with the facia boards inplace and trimmed on both sides.



On the inside we have some strange framing that has appeared today. There seem to be some extra blocks between the joists at various locations throughout the house. I have no idea what they are for but maybe one of the architects reading the blog can help us out.

Also inside the house is the start of the framing around the steel that forms the windows. This is the first step in getting the windows fitted.


Lastly you will all be pleased to hear that Nelle will be back tomorrow and taking over the blog again so it may be more interesting.


