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The exterior of the house has started to receive its finish coat of stucco.

The stucco guys are applying the finish coat of stucco this week.  Last week, we confirmed the color of this layer of stucco and here it is. 

They started at the back of the house, applying stucco around all the back windows and along the edge of the deck.

The west side has also been completed and here you can see how well the stucco color goes with the boring brown window color!

Of course we have to show photographs of the rotunda itself, close up and from further away....

The entire west side has been completed (but there isn't a great place to take a photograph)

and the first half of the front of the house also has its finish coat of stucco.

Prior to the application of the finish coat of stucco, all the cracks that had formed in the brown coat during the drying process were patched with ....... I don't know what it is but it looks uncannily like the same material that is used for the finish coat of stucco!!  So just before the finish coat was put on the back, side, and front of the house, the exterior walls all looked like the exterior wall of the garage.....with stripes of finish coat over the cracks in the brown coat

Inside the house, the cabinet installation continues in the study

And the pony wall in the guest bathroom has been drywalled

So far this week, it looks like progress on the exterior is beating progress on the interior.....


