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Counter tops

Usually granite countertops arrive pre-cut and finished (complete with a sink cut out) so the installers just have to drop them on the surface and, Ta Da, the counter tops are done!  However, these countertops had to be installed at 312 Sherman Road, the house on the hell mouth.  So, it was no surprise that the countertops did not fit when they arrived on site on Monday.  The overall shape was correct fortunately which meant they didn't have to cut all new pieces.  That was good.  But the front edge of the countertop, which gives the countertop the illusion of depth, was too thick and it blocked the drawer fronts.  As we would like to be able to use those drawers in the kitchen, the granite was removed and returned to the shop for a little adjustment.  They were returned later on Monday all fixed!  Today the second piece was installed and it is starting to look like a real kitchen.

The contractor swears up and down that he has never seen the granite countertops from this company not fit the first time.  But I guess there is always a first time......


