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More concrete....

Today was another concrete pour day.   This time it was the mid grade beams and more stem walls. 

For the mid grade beams, we have the same concrete heirarchy:

Except this time, there is a lot more surface area to be finished by the trowel so we have more trowelers....

Under the mid grade beams, we can see that the cardboard void forms do in fact stay intact even with the weight of the concrete on top of them.

Further, the stem walls for the stair well have been poured and troweled today.

Pouring the stem walls for the mechanical room required an adjustment in the concrete pouring heirarchy.  In order to pour into these stem walls, the concrete guys had to balance on the 2X12 walkways over the mechanical room and this required more men on the concrete hose.  So now not only do we have the Number 1 and 2 guys holding the hose, but they have had to add two more men to the hose:  Jose and Hose B.

Lots of new concrete has been poured today. 

On a side note, someone, who shall remain nameless, has managed to get the bobcat stuck at the bottom of the site.  Peter offered to pull it out with the Land Rover, but they didn't take him up on it.


