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It has been a wet week

I was braver today and climbed out on the roof to get some better shots of the shark skin.  Also these photographs give a good overview of the cool roofline we have....

There are two parts of the house that are not covered with the shark skin - these are the large wall between the living and dining rooms (under clear plastic) which will house the fireplace and chimney and the rotunda (under black plastic) that is the form around the amazing sweeping staircase.

The contractors are concerned about the area around the windows above the garage (the windows for the master closet and bathroom) so they went wild with the waterproofing around these particular windows with two layers of extra strength waterproofing made of tar paper like material....

They are also starting to put up the wall of windows in the livingroom.  They have started with the easy part....

A few weeks ago, I wrote about the dining room windows and how the center frame piece actually opened with the window, but I didn't have a photograph of it.  Well, now I have a photograph of the open window so you can see what I am talking about.

So when we open the windows, the view of our neighbors house will be completely unobscured.  Nice!


