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We arrived early in the morning, just as the sun was coming over the mountains

We arrived early in the morning, just as the sun was coming over the mountains

Peter had actually built the interior form for the pond over the weekend, but I forgot to photograph it.  The interior form is a giant plywood box that required a flat area for building and the only flat space we have right now (because we put piles of dirt in the front garden while digging out the pond..) is in front of the garage.  So the form was built in front of the garage.  This was not the problem.  The problem was that the form is so big, cumbersome, and heavy that Peter and I could not carry it down into the sunken front garden to put it in the pond. 

Jeff has come to our rescue though.....again.  Yesterday, he organized a number of guys who are working on the site to move the interior pond form down to the front garden and drop it in the hole that will become the pond.  So we are here bright and early to gaze upon the form placement.  And here is Peter, gazing into the future pond....

As you can see, the 2X12s that make up the exterior raised wall of the pond are now joined by a plywood box with 2x4 braces across the top.  This box will make up the interior wall of the form and the concrete will be poured between the 2x12s and the plywood.  The plywood box is not quite in the right place yet - this is a job for next weekend.

A view from the top of the garden wall gives a good perspective.  Note that there are 1 foot square cut outs at each corner of the form.  These are going to be used to create a step in each corner of the pond.

A closer view....  The steps in each corner will create a platform on which the water lilies will be able to grow.  The pond will end up to be about four feet deep and, I have learned, the optimal depth for a water liliy is 2' 6".  Therefore, Peter is building these steps so the water lilies will be happy.  This is becoming a complicated pond, and we are not even done yet!

Between the two sides of the form sits the rebar that will reinforce the concrete.  Again, it looks alot like our foundation!















Inside the house, we now have our second ERV unit.  This one is in the hobby room downstairs and will be very useful as I don't think there will be much natural air flow in this part of the house.

And the foam insulation guys are back to touch up areas that were disturbed, like the area around the ERV unit and its supply and return pipes.

We did have a bit of a misunderstanding with the insulators about which areas exactly were going to get the foam insulation and which were getting fiberglass.  We signed on to have foam applied to all of the roof spaces.  Unfortunately, the insulator contractor did not think the garage ceiling was considered roof space so, on their original day of spraying, the garage roof was not sprayed.  Well, there has been a bit of a struggle, but fortunately for us, Jeff won so now we have foam insulation in the roof space of the garage as well!

The garage roof space also includes the area above the stairs from the garage to the kitchen

Now all the exterior walls and roof spaces are insulated.  I know I keep going on about drywall, but we are now really close to having drywall installed......I think.


