The last of the wall of windows has been installed. This is the lower windows in the living room. This section of windows is actually a NanaWall which is a movable glass wall system; that is, the entire set of windows folds up to completely open the living room to the back deck.
Here is the wall of windows from the back deck with the NanaWall closed
and as the wall opens
and with the wall completely open.
From the living room, the wall of windows
and with the NanaWall partially open.
And again the view we will see with the NanaWall completely open.
We also have a NanaWall installed in the dining room
For this wall, there is a single door on the left and the three panels on the right fold open like the wall in the living room. With both NanaWalls open, the main floor of the house is completely open to the back deck and the space flows through the living room, around the deck and into the dining room and kitchen. It almost feels like we live in a tree house when both doors are open!
We also have the wall of windows installed in the hobby room. It is a bit hard to see because it is a little dark (forgot the flash again!). For this room, we just have floor to ceiling windows (i.e. they do not open like the living room or dining room).
And here is Art, the window guy (he was trying to get out of the first picture so I had to take a special one)
While the windows guys work like mad to get the windows in so we can waterproof the rest of the house, the deck guy is starting to work on prep for the waterproofing of the deck. So far, we have the seams of the plywood sealed up and blue plastic mesh applied which is the lath for the waterproofing membrane.
The deck will be covered with Tuff-Flex which is a urethane coating which is completely waterproof! That should happen soon now that the deck is all prepared.