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More rain

We now have windows in the kitchen and media room to help keep the water out in the next set of rains that are forecasted.  The media room windows were necessary because we were not allowed to have a room without windows by city code.  So to appease the MAN, we put in the smallest, least obtrusive windows we could muster.  After all, we don't want any light in this room...

It ends up that our dining room windows are very cool.  Peter and I are getting some surprises as we go along the build because, apparently, we did not pay attention to every last detail during the design process like we thought.  Anyway, the dining room windows are split windows with a jamb down the center of them.  However, when you open the windows, that jamb actually opens with one of the panes so the window is uninterrupted while it is open.  So you could say these windows have a fake jamb.  

I didn't think to take a picture of the window while it was open to demonstrate this cool feature so you will have to live with the written description.  I did, however, get a photograph of Peter starting to test the new windows in the dining room (this is how we discovered that the jamb opens with one pane).


A majority of the windows have now been set in the house with the exception of the windows in the master bath and closet and the larger windows above the front door and at the back of the house.  The window frames at the back of the house have been covered in black plastic in preparation for the rain.  As we walked in, we realized that with the black plastic in place, the house looks like it will at night......

Well, that is just not it, is it?  I forgot I had the flash on.....


