The spiders are, anyway. While the framer was finishing covering the roof with plywood, the spiders were busy creating their own homes like this one in the wall that will surround the amazing sweeping staircase.

Maybe it was a second home for this guy who we found under the roof just outside the master bathroom.

Awesome!! Peter is thrilled that we have pet spiders.
The forms that were put in to create the under house vents have now been used as they were intended. That is, the concrete has been poured and we can look down the hole created and see the vents that lead into the "crawl space" under the house.

We also have more wood framing along the steel to create an attachment point for the big livingroom windows. Looking down from the upstairs landing, we see that all the beautiful steel is now being hugged by wood!

The side window of the livingroom is now framed in as well.

Plus, we can see what the window in the yoga/study room will look like...

In our original house design, we had a huge concrete monolith that stood in the area between the livingroom and dining room. During the course of design and redesign however, the giant concrete monolith idea was replaced with a steel and wood alternative. There were many good reasons for this change - none of which I can think of right now, but that is not important. What is important is that the giant monolith wall is now starting to really show its true size. The wall stands where we have the cross support steel beams. From the upstairs landing, we have a nice full view of the whole wall.

On the other side, we have the view from the master bedroom.

We also have the plywood placed on the patio outside of the master bedroom. This is going to be a great little escape for us!