The stucco guys have been working hard this week to complete the entire finish coat. Here they are in action, working on the last exterior wall

The appliances arrived this morning in another big truck! This was a happy surprise for Peter and I as we did not know that they were coming today. Fortunately, Peter was there when the appliances were delivered so he got some pictures of the boxes and boxes of appliances.......

Not only were the appliances in this delivery, but we also received all the plumbing fixtures - including the Shower Tower! Here is a glimpse of one of the multiple shower heads on the Shower Tower.....

After unloading them from the truck, all the appliances and plumbing fixtures were moved into our temporary storage at the front of the house. Here they will sit until the cabinet installation is complete.

Speaking of which, work continues on the cabinetry. Apparently, cabinetry installation involves a lot of consulting between the finish carpenter and the management......