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More Steel

Now, not only do we have rebar cages to reinforce the concrete in the grade beams, we have rebar uprights which will reinforce the concrete stem walls as well.

We also now have rebar cages in the upper grade beams.  The grade beams pictured before were the lower and mid grade beams, but to make extra sure that our house doesn't slide down the hill in an earthquake or landslide, we have more.  These grade beams will support the kitchen and dining room on the main floor and the master bedroom on the upper floor.

We also now can see where the steel I-beams will be erected (Wait till you see those.  They will be impressive).  They will be secured to the bolts presently holding a small piece of plywood in place.  I don't think the plywood will add any structural stability to the final structure (yes, that is a joke).

And of course, I want to add some pictures of the stair area.  Here we see how much rebar is placed at the foundation of the stairs.


Below is a close up view of the interior of the cardboard void forms.  For reference, that is a 2X4 that is running approximately perpendicular to the form.


