By scaffolding that is. We now have our entire house encased with scaffolding in preparation for window installation and waterproofing. From the front, we see scaffolding....

From the east, more scaffolding

And also from the west...

Artist shots of the scaffold; the first one makes the house look very tall and the second makes the house look very loooong....

Peter tells me that scaffolding is supposed to stand on its own, without any help from anchors to the structure it surrounds. I certainly hope this is true because I took a look at the anchors that the contractors put in to help support the scaffolding, and, frankly, I don't think they will really help to keep the scaffold up.....

We even have scaffolding around the rotunda for the stairs.

And speaking of the stairs.......the big news is that the landing that will be at the top of the stairs has been finished. The steel piece we have seen before which will catch the top end of the sweeping staircase now has two bits of flare!

From the upstairs, we see the landing now has two curved bits that lead to the first stair.

Peter and I are excited to see more progress, especially on the exterior - we just want it waterproof before any rains. We had enough trouble with mold in the last house.