As the amazing sweeping staircase sits only three inches from the interior wall of the rotunda in its final position, this wall has to be painted prior to the installation of the stairs. We have already chosen our paint color for this section of the house (well actually it was the interior decorator who chose the color and we just nodded our heads in agreement) so we were all ready for the painter. They painted the rotunda wall yesterday

and have continued to paint around the floor to ceiling windows of the living room, the lower hall and the upper hall. They have left the monolith wall white though as this will be painted green (I am still not sure about a green wall). The white monolith wall does give a good contrast picture right now that shows the color for the halls and rotunda wall.

The important thing is that the rotunda wall has been painted though. This is the last item that had to be completed prior to the installation of the amazing sweeping staircase.
While the painters prepared for the stairs, the tile contractors have been putting up tile in the bathrooms, specifically, the accent tile for the shelf areas in both bathrooms have been installed. In the guest room, we have a tile and glass mosaic

and in the master bathroom, we have the same pebbles that will form the floor of the shower.

Stairs Tomorrow!!!!