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Lots of seemingly small finishing steps

The finish carpenter has almost completed putting in the hinge recesses on all the interior doors

and has installed the front door frame

which allowed the stucco guys to finish the stucco around the front door.

Back inside, preparation continues for installing the radiant heating and flooring.  In the media and hobby room, a sleeper floor had to be installed to bring the floor up to the correct height and shield the radiant heating from the concrete slab.  The sleeper floor consists of plywood installed over 3/4 inch rigid foam insulation.  I missed the installation of the insulation though so I only have photographs of the finished sleeper floor.

In the master bathroom, preparation has started for installation of the pan which will be installed beneath the floor.  The first step was to place the curb which will support the curved glass shower wall.

It may not look like the most exciting curb, but it does mean we get a curved glass wall.  It is not exactly what Peter wanted, but he will get the enormous shower he was hoping for!


